Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another drag ass weekend coming up

Have to go to ANOTHER f'ing wedding. Im getting tired of this. I miss a day of work (at 17$/hr OT) for someone who i never spend any time with and barely know at all. Jeez.

Two long days up ahead. We're setting up a pool tournament with 12 tables on thurs so ill be a hurtin' unit at the end of that day. I have two out of town runs tomorrow and a had a single today. Not bad but still long. hot runs.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Easy day today

In town all day, no major BS to put up with, just cash n carry. Tomorrow we go to faith and eagle butte to run the vending and amusement coin. Long trip with alot fo stops. Its going to be late.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Busy as a one legged man...

..in an ass kickin' contest. Spent most of the weekend at the in-laws house because its the wife's birthday on monday. The rest is spent trying to recover from the two wedding recpetions i had to go to this weekend. Mien Gott.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Apologies for light posting

My new job has been keeping me away from my computer more than i like. We are quite far behind because the business has been shorthanded for several months prior to my hiring. Ive been putting in 12-14 hr days the last few and even at that its still easier than my last job. Plus im getting overtime at 17$/hr. Those 550$/week paychecks rock.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Road trippin'

for the next five days. first two for work, last three for me. be away until at least tuesday or wed next week. Ill get me shit together by then abd post again. Ah, the busy time of year. At least im home a decent time each night. No more of this 14 hr shift bullshit.

New job, oh yeah

Totally mellow. Ive never had a first day of work that was so laid back. Everybody was nice, and there isnt any pressure at all. The secretaries siad the boss can get a littel wound up at times, but everybody does sooner or later. i think im going to like this.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Silhouette shoot 7-15-07

Military sil. shoot and i finnaly remembered my camera.

ETA: Click the pictures for a MUCH larger one you can see more details in.

Spectator crowd and my shooting parner Jason
Click to enlarge.

The rifle rack- K31, mosin, CETME (mine), Mausers, a couple garands, couple cowboy guns, SKSs, ARs- good turnout
Click to enlarge.

Overview of the range- the 100 and 200 yard targets are in the center at the bottom of the hill. The 500 and 600 yard targets are the mowed areas close to the top. the tiny black dots in the upper RH corner are the 800 yard buffalo BPCR target and the 1000 yd gong.
Click to enlarge.

Tommy setting chickens at 50 yds
Click to enlarge.

Doug getting some K31 action
Click to enlarge.

Jeff got 27 out of 40 with his DPMS .308 to take 1st place. Here hes shooting the 200 yard rams.
Click to enlarge.

I ended up with 15 for 13th place. I shot with my CETME and i was out of practice with it. I came home from the boss cowman thing at 5AM and i was tired most the day and didnt shoot so well. Jason got 17 for 10th place with my 8mm Yugo mauser. We were both out of the money by a ways but good times were had by all. One of the local ladies made BBQs and casserole for lunch. All this for 5 bucks entry fee.

Boss Cowman 07

Despite a case of "centennial rage" and a TON of beer and wine coolers, i survived. Had a pretty good time all told. No great details i guess. eat, sleep, drink, party, and visit with a few people i know was about it. Thank the vreator its done with.

Oh DO NOT eat at burger king in Mobridge SD. I grabbed a burger and fries on the way through, and proceded to have the most god-awful liquid craps-every 10-15 min- for the next 18 hours. I couldnt even sleep because if youd nod off you risked crapping your pants. I missed williams and ree becuase i was sitting on the crapper. F' YOU BURGER KING!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Off for the rest of the week

Going to Boss cowman rodeo and dances. Also Williams and Ree and there live so im going to that too. Just in case you have no idea about W&R:


Midwest comedy duo. Top notch BTW.

Monday, July 09, 2007

One cold bitch

My buddy from Canukistan called me lasy night. His wife of about a year divorced him BY E-MAIL. What kind of cold-assed whore divorces you by E-mail? SHe told him she doesnt think he should even come back for is stuff. That officially qualifies her as a twat-waffle.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

And that...as they say...is that

Friday was my last full time, scheduled day at the plant. I figure on doing part time fill for them on the weekends in the future to give the guys some breathing room. i know i sure would have liked it if someone had given me a little. I might still be there if they had.

The big boss cowman rodeo is next week and i have it all off to PARTY! I like a good bender once in a while and i work the beer garden on thursday night. Re: all the free tap beer i can drink. It tastes like camel piss but hey, its free.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Yet more jackassery from OSHA

According to NSSF, OSHA is trying to institute a rule that would basically close most ammunition production facilitites and would greatly hamper shipping, storage and sale of small arms ammunition. But its for everyones safety you understand.

I wonder what lake city will have to say about this. Not to mention our boys in the sandbox when magazines start running dry becuase some fucker in OSHA thinks a couple cases of 5.56mm being shipped in a UPS truck will turn your average sub-urb into a nuclear hell-scape.


SOMEONE find out what moron came up with this blather and put a bullet in his head.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A word to comment posters

PLEASE, if you are going to comment, do it in english. I dont speak anyhting else and i'm thinking the majority of my readers are the same.

Monday, July 02, 2007


According to these rocket jocks, this blog has a "PG" rating. Looks like i need to ramp up the sex, violence and boobie pics. heck even the ten ring (http://tenring.blogspot.com/) got a NC-17.