Friday, August 24, 2007

Little nuggets of film gold

Kim has a good piece on this at The Other Side and i thought id follow suit. There are those few films that draw you in like iron filings to a magnet. They generally arent big blockbuster type flicks. Yes i still go to see Die Hard and Transformers type movies but solely for entertainment. I watch other movies for the acting value. Heres a few:

High Fidelity
John Cusack shows us that just because youre a relative nobody (at the time) doesnt mean you cant have superb acting in a low budget atmosphere.

Walking Tall
THe Rock leaves his wrestling personna behind and delivers a 'rock' solid performance even in the face of low budgets and press reviews that were hell bent on turning this movie into a rotten tomato.

October Sky
Even though the movie sufferes (IMHO) from a few too many lead characters, all the players provide a large amount of depth you dont expect.

Last Man Standing
One of the few "shooter" movies i can watch over and over. Bruce willis provides surprisingly good acting for a simple gun toting gangster. Most of the other bumbling bullet magnets are 2 dimensional but Bruce leaves you with a lot more in a good vs. evil plot line.

Pump up the Volume
The box describes Slater as a "reluctant hero" in this semi-teen angst flick. Id call him more of a normal teen. Normal in the sense that he is tortured every day with pain, pleasure and the humiliation of being a teen. The pirate radio outlet he subverts too is a depth rarely reached by most actors. He literally becomes "hard harry" while at his radio. A duality concept many cannot pull off. He can.

Not your typical guns blazin' kill the bad guy save the girl shoot em' up. Right and wrong are twisted about in this movie from the first minutes until the last frames. The cinematics of this movie lack the big buck luster but Kurt Russel pulls off an amzing performace with about 50 spoken words total. How many other actors can spend two hours and say eight sentences? This is a definant buy and keep movie.

The replacement killers
While i despise most asian flicks and thier american counterparts, this one drew me in. Chow Yun Fat isnt the worlds top actor but pulls off a convincing repentant killer. Mira Sorvino isnt too tough to look at either.

All the movies i mentioned have surprising depth and can keep you coming back again and again despite low budgets, lack of big names and poor reviews. For the big boys, movies like Transformers and Die Hard 4 are finnally coming around to the relazation that it may just be OK to be a good guy sometimes. A few lines say it all.

"Sam, you risked your life to protect the cube."
"No sacrifice, no victory."

"Thanks for saving my daughters life."
"Well what what was i gonna' do?"
"thats what makes you that kind of guy."
-Die Hard 4

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Life gets better and better...

Now i have to put a cat to sleep. He is 7 years old, 27 1/2 pounds, and apprently diabetic. He pees EVERYWHERE. I have to pull up over 1000 square feet of carpeting and move close to 3000 books because of him. It has come to the point we cant take care of him anymore. Im man enough to know when you cant take care of a critter and it cant take care of itself, it needs to be put down. Ugly though it is.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The mower is replaced, the car is replaced...


Jesus christ on a roller skate when am i gonna get a break?

Friday, August 17, 2007

Mein Gott what a week!

Firstly, monday night i killed my lawnmower. Concrete aprons and a spinning blade dont go well together. Ala- bent crankshaft. 600 bucks into the wind.

Second, i checked the brass i used at the last shoot and all my .375 H&H brass is junk. 75 rounds at about 2 bucks each.

Third i hit a pheasnt and broke a 75 dollar park lamp on my explorer.

Then i manager to pack 58 hours of work into 4 1/2 days. IM F'ING TIRED.

Damn im a cheery bastard on friday nights huh?

Sunday, August 12, 2007

High power/Military silhouette shoot today

Good turnout plus a really good lunch. Saw all the guys i haven't seen for a time, most of the high power guys were there and a few of the old timers that shoot blackpowder as well. Was really stormy off and on most of the day and then got REALLY hot (90+) after about 2 PM. I didnt shoot well but i had a good time anyway. Got to shoot a nice 348 winchester leveraction a guy had for sale. I wish i had the dough, it wasa honey.

Match winner Kelly Landis with custom Rem 700
Click to enlarge.

Range master Doug L. keeps shooters on target
Click to enlarge.

Good friend Jeff G. and his girlfreind
Click to enlarge.

The shelter had to be taken down in a wind storm so we staked it out and had a good rain shelter as well.
Click to enlarge.

Gun rack from the light rifle match
Click to enlarge.

Wind gets the better of Dougs rain canopy
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Tommy knockin' em' down with his CMP garand
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Munyon picking off chicken with a custom 6mm Bench Rest
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Rifle rack for the Heavy rifle category
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The storm clouds rolled in about 11:45 and shut us down for almost an hour
Click to enlarge.

More pics at

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Short run today, a couple guns for sale

and tomorrow. had Lemmon today and Ft. Yates tomorrow. Like 10 stops but each only takes about 10 min.

The Sable is officially history. It blew the low/intermediate clutch pack to bits. A used tranny with 100k on it is over 550$ and a reman is 2k$ plus instsallation. Im pretty sure we're goign to buy a different sable but its hard finding one with the options i want (24v engine, no leather, CD changer).

If anyone is interested i have a couple guns for sale.
Mossberg 9200 12 ga. auto 3" w/chokes 325$
Generic sears and roebuck store brand pump 12 ga. 2 3/4" 5 round adjustable choke 125$
plus shipping to your FFL

Both guns are in good to very good condition with normal storage and use marks, nicks etc. Both would be good starter guns for young people. I can send pics if youre interested.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Well it did have 165,000 miles on it...

and i get in my car thursday morning to go to work. list as follows:

start car-break ignition switch rack. Dissasemble sterring column to access switch and use in manual.

back car out of parking spot-hit garbage can, dump 7 days worth of used diapers in the alley.

Put car in drive-loud thunk noise followed by no forward motion. Goes in reverse like a bat out of hell but forward is mighty sketchy.

To top it all off i got to work and proceeded to drop a 1800 pound pool table on my left big toe. Thus goeth my week. Now my fat ass is stuck in the black hills for yet ANOTHER f'ing wedding of a shirttail relative and im bloging from a crappy motel conection. Fuck this week sucks.

A word for a friend

While i dont usually link to many other blogs, Cold fury is hurtin'. Slid on over and give him your best. ive been in his shoes and any word from anyone can be a big help.