Friday, June 29, 2007

Camping this weekend

...with a bunch of my wife's old high school freinds. will be inncomunicado until monday or tuesday unles i can find a free wifi hotspot.

Oh BTW if you havent watched CRANK, go do so. Get drunk beforehand, it improves it immensely.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

paris vs. the King

PH "well i read the bible alot."
LK "what's your favorite verse?"
PH "well i really dont have one."

Paris, you should know you go to hell for lying. You didnt spend one lousy second reading the good book. if you did, you would have a favorite verse because ive known guys that read the bible for 30 seconds and had something that talked to them.

You are a lousy slut, who makes money off others work, and are a spoiled mommy's-girl to boot.

FWIW i LOVE Judges and Revelation especially the part where Samson redeems himself by asking god for strength to take the philistines with him in death after they betrayed him. that forever qualifies him as a complete badass.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Good Times

Had an old freind over last night. He lives in canukistan and was on his way through to ee his folks. We sat up most the night smoking cigars, drinking arbor mist wine and watching south park episodes on my laptop while we sat outside on the porch swing. We didnt come in until like 3 AM. Good times.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Free Paris Hilton!

Oh wait..She's already out. Nothing like a 23 day stay for a violation that would have netted you or me at least a year. And she spent the whole thing in some special ward that cost taxpayers 1100 bucks a day. Should make the dumb broad pay for it herself. She has an interview deal with Larry King in a week or two. Hey Larry, PUT HER FEET TO THE FIRE FOR US!

Last night shift

...unless i have to fill for someone. Thank F'ing god. I spent most of it nursing an overheating generator. Trust me, 1875 horsepower, v-16 diesel engines and 215 deg temps dont go along that well.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Shoot today

And i came in dead last...with 5 other guys. The wind was blowing 20+ MPH and changing direction about every 5 min or less. It was impossible to dial in at all. The best shooter got 9 of 40. I was shooting my iron sighted Yugo mauser and most the other guys were shooting custom target guns. I aint complaining, i had a good time.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tired this afternoon

I stayed up most of the night so i could sleep today and then about 10AM a jo-ho showed up pushing thier paper and woke me up. I finnaly fell back asleep by 11 and then at 12:30 some jerk trying to sell comcast called. So now my sleep pattern is totally shot and i have to stay up the rest of the day. I may catch a catnap or two but nothing substantial. I have a feeling that ill have a BIG list when i get to work as i am leaving in a couple weeks and need to get me stuff caught up.

Friday, June 22, 2007

BIG changes

For those of you who are regular readers, you are by now familiar with my current trials with my employer. well come the 6th of july, i will be changing jobs. I found a job servicing video lottery machines and doing route collections. Its a tad less money but i will be getting in 45-55 hrs per week so OT will more than make up the difference. Plus they pay me 300$ per month for health insurance which is twice what i get now. Thus with all the extra hours i may not be posting as much. Please forgive the inattention while i acclimate to my new vocation. Thank you for your support. Oh and the name of the blog will stay the same. You never know where i'll end up now that im certified.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Rifle match this weekend

Shooting silhouettes again. This time with my 8mm mauser. We'll see. 200-500 yards chickens to rams. I have to work the night before so i might be just a tad tired by the end of the day.


Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oh, and one other thing...

THANK GOD they finnally quit whining about Paris Hilton getting locked up. I was sick of "paris watch" on all the news stations.

YAY! Open house is over!

And i didnt have to be there for any of it because i worked a 12 the night before. I was told to go home becuase i had my 40 hrs in and they didnt want to pay any over time. So i went to bismarck and slept most the day. Went to red lobster (my FAV place to eat) and steak and buffet that night. Didnt buy much besides needed stuff and a new .22 spinner target.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

There comes a time to talk of things...

...of shoes and ships and sealing wax, and whether upper management has any brains left.

Open house has always been done this way. All employees are on hand unless you work graveyard the night before. Mike cooks pork over an open pit BBQ, and the secretaries serve food to everybody. Always has worked good.

This year the pork is catered, you have to take a day off in the week before or after if you are there on saturday and only senior plant staff are on hand to answer questions. All to save having to pay any overtime. I work the G the night before so all i have to do is set up and im golden (and gone at 8:30AM). Plus they've created a GIGANTIC mess out back tearing down the coal bin and oil boiler room. Idiots. Ill never get it cleaned up to spec in time now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Our general manager is an idiot

He had me spend 5 days cleaning and picking up inside our furnace room and shop building and now decided three days before open house to tear it down. So basically i spent a week pissing into the wind. Typical.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Back to work

Work the next six out of seven days. 4-12s and 2-8s. Its gonna be a bugger as its all up to the open house on saturday. I slept most of today to prep for tonite. I havea feeling im going to have a list as long as my arm.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Aw, poor Paris

She actually has to serve out her sentence ( just like any other normal person would). And the sherrif that cut her loose may get a contempt of court citation. The debacle grows bigger.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Paris pulls a fast one

You CANNOT tell me this isnt preferentail treatment. We now have two calsses in the justice system. The have's and the have not's. If you have megabucks you can get out early and live in you 9000 square foot mansion on "house arrest". the rest of us will get the 9x12 cell with the flashy combination toilet sink. Oh and BTW apprently paris is too good to eat beans n' weenies like the rest of us as well.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Intermittent Internet

Say that five times fast. ;-) LARGE thinderstorm came through and my desktop is acting...funky. My laptop went to Toshiba autho. repair for a bad LCD screen so my internet comes and goes at odd times. Im gonna hold off on posting much until i get my laptop back.

Preps for open house are hot and heavy at work. Thank god i have about three or four days off. then its a seven day straight night shift grind 12 on/12 off up to the day. My certification testing paperwork finnaly came through. After last time the manager babysat it the whole way through. Thats the 21st.

Ive beens o busy with yardwork, kid and everything else ive been remiss in posting. Such is summer i guess.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Odd laptop failure

Well back in feb. i picked up a toshiba satalite laptop (on sale). Opened it this morning and POP (about as loud as a .22 CB) i have a bunch of cracks and black streaks across the screen. I call toshiba CS and get some lady in ashkanistan that tells me the toshiba doesnt fix cracked screens no matter what caused them. She gave me some place in iowa to send it to that is supposed to fix it. Great.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

OK I'm officially hooked

On anything written by John Ringo. I bought "through the looking glass" off a wal-mart discount rack a few weeks ago, and i went to barnes and noble and bought the entier Posleen war series today. If you like military SF, Ringo is top notch.

Friday, June 01, 2007

the ultimate in hadji-fication

Click to enlarge.

now wheres the spade bayonet.