Wednesday, April 25, 2007

WARNING: Pessimistic rant below

Its 1:30 in the morning, im not in a very good mood, and ive spent the last three hours reading blogs and forum messages about the generally downward spiraling condition of our great country.

I read everything in sight unless is dailyKos or those jackasses at DU. Those guys arent worth wasting cache space on. We as gun owning, abortion protesting, god fearing, decent human beings are fighting a losing battle. Every time i log on i read more stories of idiotic elected people screwing over the electorate with PC BS or "do as i say, not as i do" crap. I read about gun owners being vilified as "unstable" or suspect just because thye own a firearm. Hell my own family is currently embroiled in a nasty spat over the fact i hunt with an AR and the F'ing fudds think they're only for killing people and what do i need that for. The dumbass actually stuck up for Zumbo if you can belive that.

There are internet sites with pornography that would make a sewer cleaner puke. its actually legal to kill babies as long as they havent been in the womb for more that three months. (Oh you are so going to hell for that decision, Supreme court) I watch the fat pig rosie o'dumbass get a public forum to spout whatever liberal tripe she's got in her head that day, and the common man making 20k a year cant get his congressman to read a letter or answer a phone call unless he's promising to send them money.

Im tired of politcs and elected people in general. They say one thing and do another. the dems can get away with lieing, WHEN ITS ON TAPE, and nobody says a word (except o'reilly). I don;t vote anymore. Yeah yeah, crucify me if you want, its your buck. WHen you have a choice of the lesser of two evils to vote for, what's the point? I have a feeling in 2008 we wil have the same dumbass deal we did in 2000. A repub who cant find his ass with both hands or a demo who think he can but ends up grabbing an interns ass and then has a hissyfit when the vote doesnt go his way in florida.

The more i read the more i think the USA is circling the drain. We are headed down the road to "balkanization" or outright civil war. I wish we could split this country down teh middle. Give the liberals everything to the east and give us normal people verything to the west and see whos "country" goes down the crapper first. Barring that, a good "Jericho" situation where its everyman for himself and if you cant hack it, you die off. Id like to see Mr. Office worker, college educated, suburb residing shell of a man grow his own food, make and repair his own clothing and shoes, hunt, fish and survive wihtout the 7-11 or wal mart.

Maybe this will come across as the delusional rantings of a self-absorbed, right-wing extremist. if so, GOOD. If you dont like what i have to say, stop reading. I DONT CARE if you dont like what i think and say. If you like what i say, read on. In either case dont expect me to be nice.

To those who say that gun owners are just psychopathic, anti-social animals who need firearms to compensate for some un-mentionale shortcoming: Freud said that fear of weapons was a sure sign of retarded mental and sexual maturity. perhaps it is you who has the shortcoming?

To those doctors and nurses who kill babies thorough abortion: YOU ARE GOING TO HELL. God said in teh bible; "Thou shalt not murder" i tend to take that one to heart. He didnt say kill. Killing an animal for the table is fine. Killing an animal for pest or vermin control is fine. Even killing another person when they intend you harm or death is OK (but i reccomend counseling if you ever have to hurt someone in self-defense)

To the elected offcials who feel that the bill of rights is negotiable or should be edited in any way without a majority vote of the country, or advocate gun control: BE WARNED. The silent majority will rise up and rip out your throat when prodded hard enough. You got a taste with Zumbo. We kept that to words. Remember that 40 million gun owners currently own 180 million firearms and billions of rounds of ammunition. We buy more every day. Think about that. Do you SERIOUSLY want to piss us off? Even if only 1% of us took up arms, thats 400,000 weapons pointed at you. You can't control a country the size of texas with less that 5000 (est) insurgents in it with tens of thousnds of american troops. Rememeber Thermopylae (if you even know what it is). 300 dedicated patriots held 1 MILLION troops a bay for three days, buying time for thier comrades to beef up defenses and get ready for battle. They died to the last man. How much havok could 400,000 of us bring down on you? Lets take it another step farther. Asume only .1% of us will fight. thats 40,000 men. 40,000 men who know every nook and cranny of thier home turf, who know every place to hide and every good place to position a sniper. 40,000 men who are willing to fight you to the death to protect what our forefathers died to emplace. DON'T GO THERE. You DO NOT want kick this sleeping dog, or you may find yourself at the bad end of claws and teeth.

The mulsim issue. This one is touchy. No, wait it isnt. Its touchy because the PC police are MAKING it touchy. If you want ot be in america, you conform to our ways. Not this BS about you cant touch pork in a GD supermarket. Speak english, drive on the right side of the road, and keep your GD loud ass prayers to yourself. Your koran says your responisbility is to kill us or subjugate us by any means. TRY IT. "Ooh but we are tough, we blew up two of your buildings." WE BLEW UP TWO OF YOUR COUNTIRES. You want to play that game? Wave to allah and his camel humping snake oil salesman mohammed while we crush you under the treads of our tanks.

Summation? No its not really that bad. Ill fight tooth and nail in every way possible to me to keep this country in one chunk. If that involves kicking you in the teeth and rebuilding it all myself, so be it. If that be the case, let's get it on. Im tired of waiting around, watching you whore yourself out for votes. while it is cheap entertainment, you are polluting the minds of an entire generation (my daughter included) with your self-destructive drivel. Pick a side, stick with it and ride the wave. I already know what side most of you are on. Don't try and burn the candle at both ends. In the upcoming fight there will be no gre area. No wiggle room to spin it your way. You will either be with us or against us. So choose.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey SW, this is el, from HPFF. I couldnt agree with you more, man.

7:35 PM  

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