Light posting for the next week and a work rant
the posting might be light for the next week. Im working 12 on/12 off graveyard shift and the manager just had a hissy-fit about computer usage and threatened to fire us all if we dont cut back on our "computer misbehavior", so i cant post from work anymore. What makes it more funny is the idiot then installed an unsecured wireless router on our main office computer. If he thinks its bad now let's wait and see how it goes down with an unsecured broadband wireless connection there. I cant wait until some kid hacks in and whacks our chemical feed computer or something else. The usual line for that is "the computer got an E mail virus" and then we get nasty e mails from the manager or the retard IT guy.
Side note: according ot the managers e mail "message" (read THREAT) he caught emplyees on teh network doing the following (and he claims ot have proof, but im skeptical):
downloading porno videos
playing freeware games
recieving mass personal emails
other "questionable" activities
OK now for a little background. Our office computer is on a desk in the middle of the room. it has two hi-def security cameras pointed at the screen and dailed in close 24/7 so they can see EXACTLY what we are doing. The utilize net nanny but it is set low (to stop just porn pretty much). There is almost always two people on duty, except for night shift, and we have been instucted to "watch and report" if ther other person is screwing off. We are under CONSTANT security camera survileance everywhere but the restroom (and they threatend to put a camera in there too).
Now for the remainder of companyemployees. each has thier own laptop. No net nanny, no montoring other that what comes through the comapny server. They are alone for the majority of thier shifts. they have no cameras nor any other monitoring devices watching them at all (unless they are in the plant). They have been caught sleeping on the job, showed up both drunk (.12 BAC) and showed up high on unknown drugs, have been forced to paint all thier tools various colors so they dont steal them wholesale, and pisspoor job performance.
Little bit of disparity huh?
Another issue. Recently we had constuction crew come ot the plant to work on piping changes and renovation work. They showed up late, didnt bring the correct tools and equuipment, never called ahead to let us know what was going on at all. They wanted to start tearing up plant process equipment and were mad when i wouldnt let them. Then to top it all off, the manager calls us and chews us out wholesale because we didnt have anything ready for the crew when they came. Nice to be appreciated.
Side note: according ot the managers e mail "message" (read THREAT) he caught emplyees on teh network doing the following (and he claims ot have proof, but im skeptical):
downloading porno videos
playing freeware games
recieving mass personal emails
other "questionable" activities
OK now for a little background. Our office computer is on a desk in the middle of the room. it has two hi-def security cameras pointed at the screen and dailed in close 24/7 so they can see EXACTLY what we are doing. The utilize net nanny but it is set low (to stop just porn pretty much). There is almost always two people on duty, except for night shift, and we have been instucted to "watch and report" if ther other person is screwing off. We are under CONSTANT security camera survileance everywhere but the restroom (and they threatend to put a camera in there too).
Now for the remainder of companyemployees. each has thier own laptop. No net nanny, no montoring other that what comes through the comapny server. They are alone for the majority of thier shifts. they have no cameras nor any other monitoring devices watching them at all (unless they are in the plant). They have been caught sleeping on the job, showed up both drunk (.12 BAC) and showed up high on unknown drugs, have been forced to paint all thier tools various colors so they dont steal them wholesale, and pisspoor job performance.
Little bit of disparity huh?
Another issue. Recently we had constuction crew come ot the plant to work on piping changes and renovation work. They showed up late, didnt bring the correct tools and equuipment, never called ahead to let us know what was going on at all. They wanted to start tearing up plant process equipment and were mad when i wouldnt let them. Then to top it all off, the manager calls us and chews us out wholesale because we didnt have anything ready for the crew when they came. Nice to be appreciated.
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