Friday, April 20, 2007

Final word on the VA tech shootings

Im leaving this one alone from now on and finishing with this.

People do shitty things to each other. Especially when they are mentally unbalanced as Cho oblviously was. Thats life. You cant go around worrying constantly abou some zipper head blowing you away in a depressed funk. Live your life as you want and make sure you're straight with your maker.

When your time is up, your time is up. That's gods plan. I intend that should i ever be faced with my imminent death from some psycho weilding a firearms, knife, or whatever, i will go down swinging. At that point what do you have to lose? The story goes that the men and women were lined up and shot in the head or shot as they cowered on the floor. Im not going to puport to know what was going through thier minds in the last seconds of thier lives but had it been me, i would have thought better me dying and taking him with me than him taking me and how many others with him.

Im 27 years old. Ive already done more things in my short years than many do in a whole lifetime. I guess if its in the plan for me to die so others might live, so be it. No point in being scared about it.


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