Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Last day of work this week/ Office polititcs blow

I took off thursday and friday this week to get some time with my daughter. The wife is working PTA meetings at her school on thursday night so i have to watch Lil all by myself.

We're cleaning clearwells at work this week. Thank goodness i'm on nights. I helped clean the first one and it sucked major balls. the other guys on shift set evrything up by the time i got htere and i helped clean the interior of the tank and then they bailed and left em to do all the cleanup by myself. I was a bit pissed but oh well.

Then monday night when i get to work there is nasty note from my manager saying i missed a bunch of stuff and how many times did he have to tell me to do this and that? One of the other operator bitched that i wasnt doing enough on my shift and i got in trouble for not doing what i was never told to do. then when i asked about it, i got shot down by "this is going in you personnel file for review" BS and if they cut out my raise im likely going to quit. they're already shorting us overtime (no time and a half jusr straight comp time) and the last guy that complained about it got canned within a week.

Office politics blows.


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