Tuesday, October 24, 2006

yet another week of afternoon shift

but its my last for a while. i got a peek at the nev shift schedule andit looks like days and nights again. Not too bad. ill work a bunch of 12 hour shifts around thankgiving but i really dont care. Theres gonna be a huge fight over where we go for christmas and thanksgiving this year and i really dont want to be there. my parents are bitching and complaining about the fact we never spend any time out at the farm. Fine. I can understand. The whole thing is when they want to come visit us they give us maybe a days notice and if we have plans we're supposed to drop them and do what they want. If we dont, then they get pissy. last year at christmas, we were there from 10 AM to 7PM. that wasnt good enough. we went to my wife's parents at 7 and they were pissy. they wanted us to stay the whole night and be at the other place tomorrow. Plus whenever we go to my 'rents house when my sister is there, she's a cold bitch to us because we had a baby and she can't. tough. Well i have to go switch pumps so i'll rant a littel more later maybe.


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