Friday, December 22, 2006

OK now i'm severely pissed NSFW!

WARNING! The following rant is NSFW!

Where the hell do these stupid fucks get off saying this shit about SD?

Also where do they get the right to know who has a CCW permit? The state government took the info offline because it feared misuse and the state legislature passed a law forbidding its dissemination. I really need Joe Dumbass Criminal knowing i have a CCW and likely as not a handgun or two in my home. Stupid SOB's. The guy raves about the "handgun culture" of SD, but then starts backtracking as soon as he realizes that we have the #1 per capita rate of CCW holders and rank near the bottom of all states for handgun violence. He further then obfuscates himself by saying that holding a CCW permit is "honorary testosterone". What a fucking moron.

They get some stupid schmuck from harvard (How in the FUCK does some dumbass from harvard claim to know diddly-shit about SOUTH DAKOTA for pete's sake) to say that guns turn "non lethal events into lethal ones". Well no shit sherlock. Guns are designed to throw small objects (usually lead) at very high velocity. THEY ARE DESIGNED TO KILL. THAT IS THIER SOLE PURPOSE. Not as a "deterrent" or any other PC sounding term. When you pull the trigger of a handgun or any gun for that matter, if it is loaded, whatever is in front of the muzzle WILL be destroyed or killed. Thats is why the #2 rule of safe gun handling is: "Never let the muzzle cover anything you do not want to destroy."

This harvard prick says that we have one of the higest "gun prevelancy" rates in the country. Good. When you east and west coast pantywaists come to try to push your agenda on us we might just chase your liberal ass out of town with hot lead. DO NOT fuck with the Dakotas boys when it comes to guns. North or South, Doesn't make a wee bit of difference. We will pound you into the ground like a fence post.

H/T Alphecca
H/T The Ten Ring


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